Do I Need RV Insurance All Year Even When Not Using My Vehicle?

You may know the value of having RV insurance on your vehicle while you are on the road. It can be critical if your vehicle breaks down or suffers damage due to vandalism. Yet, what happens at the end of the season when you pack it away for the year? There are still very important reasons to maintain RV insurance. Our team at Roark Insurance Agency in Flatwoods, KY can help you ensure your policy matches your needs.

How RV Insurance Continues to Protect You

Even when you are not using your vehicle on a consistent basis, it is still a very valuable asset, and problems can occur to it while in storage. For example, your vehicle could be stolen or could be vandalized. In situations like this, you may not know of the problem for quite some time and need to file a claim to get coverage. Other risks include fire to the location or other acts of nature. These are real threats that continue to remain present.

You May Wish to Alter Your Coverage

It may be possible to make adjustments to your RV insurance to ensure it matches the way you use your vehicle. Your insurance agent, for example, may recommend choosing a storage-only RV insurance policy. This may reduce costs but may also be more appropriate if your RV is going to be stored for a long period of time. Be sure to choose the proper coverage for it.

Let Our Team Offer a Quote for You Now

Turn to Roark Insurance Agency in Flatwoods, KY for help with your vehicle’s insurance coverage. Our RV insurance policy can be customized to meet your expected needs, saving you time and money when an incident occurs and you need to file a claim.